Special Populations: Senior Population 65+

In addition to those experiencing homelessness staying in shelters in the DC region, another large population that is especially vulnerable are those in the senior population, especially those staying in large group facilities or senior homes. The CDC has recognized retirement and shared housing as a vulnerable population and provides resources for administrators of those facilities for COVID-19 vaccine consideration.

The DC Gov, “ReOpen DC Committee” plan titled “Equity and Vulnerable Populations” addresses the vulnerability of older residents[1] Anyone of any background is able to get vaccinated for free through the walk-up vaccination clinics hosted on the “get vaccinated” webpage through the coronavirus DC Gov. Schedules listed daily based on Ward and Facility Name. The District’s Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCOs) also offer free of charge transportation options for those in need, to and from, appointments. Request transportation through one of the four choices below:

  • AmeriHealth Caritas DC | Call 1-800-315-3485. Rides available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • CareFirst Community Health Plan DC | Call MTM1 at 1-855-824-5693. Rides available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Health Services for Children with Special Needs | Call SET Transportation at 1-866-991-5433.
  • MedStar Family Choice DC | Call 1-866-201-9974.

To find the most complete and up to date information provided by the Washington, DC government, visit their specialized coronavirus website and review key metrics[2], vaccination data[3], DC public school data[4], and variant surveillance in the region[5].

Resources -

[1] “Reopen DC Committee: Equity and Vulnerable Populations.” Coronavirus, https://coronavirus.dc.gov/page/reopen-dc-committee-equity-and-vulnerable-populations.

[2] “Key Metrics.” Coronavirus, 3 July 2022, https://coronavirus.dc.gov/key-metrics.

[3] “Vaccination Data.” Coronavirus, https://coronavirus.dc.gov/data/vaccination.

[4] “DC Schools Data.” Coronavirus, https://coronavirus.dc.gov/page/dc-schools-data.

[5] “Variant Surveillance.” Coronavirus, https://coronavirus.dc.gov/page/variant-surveillance.

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