Advertising Options

NASW DC Metro Chapter has some great opportunities for your company to share job postings, events, approved seminars and other classified ads with our targeted group of active DC Metro social workers. We offer advertising and job postings in our monthly digital newsletters.  In addition, your organization can purchase a one-time use of our members' mailing information to use with your own mailing.

We can also customize a special marketing partnership with you. If you are interested in discussing other ways to develop a marketing releationship with NASW-VA, please contact us at

Ready to advertise? Shop options here!

Digital Newsletter Advertising

NASW DC Metro creates and distributes electronic newsletters that are sent to more than 750 active email addresses each month. These well-read publications are a great way for you to advertise a job opening or share your company information. Member newsletters generally are sent around the 15th of each month, with non-member newsletters sent once every two or three months. Ad copy must be approved by NASW DC Metro; we reserve the right to refuse an ad. Your ad will not appear until payment is received. 

Classified Ads

Classified Ads are text only. One link (to an email address or website) can be included. Job listings go to NASW DC Metro members only. Other listings (for a class or to promote your organization, for example) go to both NASW DC Metro members and also non-member contacts during the month.

To place a Classified Ad, send your text to for approval, then visit this link to shop.

                                                                 One month listing        Two month listing - SAVE 50% on 2nd month!

50 words or less                                    $50                                 $75                  

51-100 words                                         $100                               $150

101-150 words                                       $150                               $225

151+ words                                             $200                               $300

Display Ads

A Display ad can include text, plus your logo and/or images. The ad should be created as an image file (.jpg, .pdf, .tif), sized to 8.5" wide x 5.5" tall. Please note: the ad will be sized to fit within the digital newsletter. The ad can be linked to your website if desired. Again, job listings go to NASW DC Metro members, while other display ads will be sent to members and non-members.

To place a Display Ad, send your image file to for approval, then visit this link to pay.

                                                                 One month listing        Two month listing - SAVE 50% on 2nd month!

Display ad                                              $250                                $375

Mailing Labels

Interested in reaching our members with a mailing of your own? You can purchase a mailing list, for one-time use. Please note: the NASW DC Metro Executive Director must approve the usage and purchase. 

Addresses can be purchased and organized to include 1) all NASW DC Metro members, or 2) up to 10 different zip codes, specified by purchaser. The list will be provided as an Excel spreadsheet. Each record is $0.28, with a minimum purchase of $50 required. 

To make a list purchase, please follow these steps:

1. Complete the Certification of Limited Use document (download here)

2. Complete the order form (download here)

3. Return Certification of Limited Use, order form, and sample of intended mailer, to NASW DC Metro. Email to or fax to 804.510.0374

4. Make payment by check, credit card or request an invoice

5. NASW DC Metro staff will notify you via email of approval

6. List will be generated based on your selected criteria once payment is received, and emailed to you