Regular Membership
Regular membership is open to anyone who has completed a BSW, MSW, DSW, or PhD in social work from a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)-accredited or CSWE-recognized* social work degree program; or a PhD/DSW in social work or social welfare. Annual dues are based on the highest completed social work degree.
- MSW, DSW and PhD Membership annual dues: $236
- BSW Membership annual dues: $158
* Social workers who studied internationally and earned a degree recognized by CSWE's International Social Work Degree Recognition and Evaluation Service are eligible for regular membership.
Learn about joining NASW with an international degree or address.
Social Work Student Membership
Social work student membership is open to anyone currently enrolled in a CSWE-accredited social work degree program, or a program eligible for candidacy. Eligibility for the BSW and/or MSW student membership category is limited to four years for each degree over the lifetime of membership (does not need to be continuous). Doctoral student membership is for those enrolled in a social work or social welfare program. NASW student members may apply for discounted professional liability insurance for student field placement.
Learn more about social work student membership
- BSW and MSW Student Membership annual dues: $60
- Doctoral Student Membership annual dues: $179
Associate Student Membership
Associate student membership is open to any applicant who is currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program in a field other than social work, or a program not accredited by CSWE, and who does not hold a social work degree. Associate Student members are not eligible for a transitional member rate, may not vote in NASW elections, and may not hold national or chapter elective office. Associate Student members may convert to Social Work Student members on entering a CSWE accredited program, or may become Associate members of NASW.
Associate Student Membership annual dues: $60
Transitional Membership
BSW and MSW student members who maintain continuous membership after graduation qualify for a transitional period with discounted membership dues. Eligible NASW transitional members may apply for discounted professional liability insurance for the first two years of professional practice.
- BSW students are eligible for two years of transitional membership, with annual dues of $116
- MSW students are eligible for three years of transitional membership, with dues of $116 in years one and two, and dues of $179 in year three
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to anyone who has a professional interest in, or is supportive of, the issues addressed by, or the client populations served by, the social work profession, and who does not hold a social work degree. Associate members may not hold national or chapter elective office. After five years of continuous membership, associate members are granted the right to vote in national or chapter elections.
Associate Membership annual dues: $236
Retired Membership
Retired membership is open to any current active member who is at least 55 years of age, is fully retired from social work practice, and has been a full dues paying member of NASW.
Retired Membership annual dues: $74